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Live Web Designs

Web Site Design Summary


Web design is something I have just recently taken an interest in. My final design class at Calvin College required an online portfolio and I have also created a photography website produced by 


However, I have recently discovered Wordpress, which gave me much more freedom than the flash site I originally created using Wix. It captured my interest and I soon found myself in a whole new world of design. It was exciting, unique, and most of all challenging. Naturally, though, I enjoyed it and found myself spending hours editing and creating. Before long, I was hooked and decided to completely overhaul my photography website using HTML 5. I did decide to continue using Wix for my photography portfolio though because of the low cost and easy manipulation for my needs. I have faced many challenges designing, and my Wordpress account was actually mistakenly deleted, so Wix has also become the home of my entire design and photography portfolios. 


I have created multiple websites as well as portfolio designs for my clients and fellow colleagues. The most recent design that I created was for Dutch Treat Camping (link to live site below). I continue to serve Dutch Treat Camping today with their needs regarding website maintenance and updates. I have also done wire design for start up ChemoBuddy, as well as the band Bennett.


This is still a new journey to me, and it can be frustrating and challenging at times but the end result is what makes it so enjoyable and rewarding. It is always a learning experience, and I have learned to continually strive to build on your knowledge and skills and to never settle for less than what you are worth. 

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