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Film Photography


Black & White


Film Photography Summary


Taking pictures has always been a passion of mine. While at Calvin College I was persuaded by my roommate to enroll in a photography course rather than continuing down the engineering path I was now loathing. So I dove into introductory film photography, thinking it couldn’t possibly be too difficult, seeing how I enjoyed taking photos and figured shooting a camera would be easy, right? I was wrong, but in a good way. It was a challenge learning how to properly fill a frame, balance a shot, and use different filtering techniques. It was difficult but I loved every minute of it. Reading up on the history of photography and how it has evolved over the years was also fascinating. 


Moving on, I dove into the art of development as well while completing my film courses. It is fairly evident that nothing beats the genuine quality and originality of a hand printed image. Creating images by hand was both challenging but at the same time extremely rewarding. It takes a lot of work and the process can be trivial at times but the end result is well worth it. Every print can become unique, special, and beautiful in many ways. Using different development techniques can change an image’s meaning entirely. The raw emotion of an image and the feel of a print can all be determined by the dedication of the photographer. It truly is a lost form of art, and I believe it should be revitalized. While digital is a fast, effective, and easy method to reproduce an image today, film is a more traditional art that sadly is slowly vanishing from this medium. 


In the photo links above you will find all my prized film prints. If you have any questions or inquiries regarding my work, don't hesitate to contact me and I would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you and discuss them further. 

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