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Digital Photography





Class work


Digital Photography Summary


Taking pictures has always been a passion of mine. While at Calvin College I was persuaded by my roommate to enroll in a photography course rather than continuing down the engineering path I was now loathing. So I dove into introductory film photography, thinking it couldn’t possibly be too difficult, seeing how I enjoyed taking photos and figured shooting a camera would be easy, right? I was wrong, but in a good way. It was a challenge learning how to properly fill a frame, balance a shot, and use different filtering techniques. It was difficult but I loved every minute of it. Reading up on the history of photography and how it has evolved over the years was also fascinating. 


As I moved on into the digital aspect of this art I was introduced to even more challenging and exciting techniques. Adobe Bridge, Photoshop and Lightroom were in world of their own. First, DLSR was a whole new environment to work with and manual mode was both frustrating but satisfying to work with. I quickly learned how to adjust my camera properly and how to compliment my shooting ability with my editing skills. What your mind imagines and what you can produce in your frame is never the same, but using Photoshop and Bridge can combine the two and bring out the art. For example, to make up for a lackluster setting I can change the entire image feel with just a few clicks. Remove one element, add another and the image would go from being just ok to perfect. 


I have been a freelance photographer since 2010, which has included taking portraits, engagement and wedding images, and my work at Calvin College. In the photo links above you will find all my favorite digital pieces.



If you have any questions or inquiries regarding my work, don't hesitate to contact me and I would enjoy the opportunity to speak with you and discuss them further.

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